Our Story...

Co-Founders Shaun Gallagher & Paul Magid

 Were inspired to launch Found My Happy after overcoming a lifetime of adversity. 

Although both guys have completely different life stories and come from two different countries Shaun being a brit from Liverpool England & Paul New Jersey USA.

They share one inspiring bond their relentless pursuit of finding their HAPPY! 

A journey that between them includes being paralyzed from the neck down at the age of 13 from a gymnastics accident to thankfully making a full recovery. Enlisting into the British Armed forces at the age of 16 and becoming an infantry soldier. In a wheelchair at 18 due to multiple surgeries and joint reconstructions. Several challenging decades living with autoimmune diseases Hashimoto's (thyroid), Crohn's (intestinal), Addison's (adrenal), and Gilbert's (liver).  And in later years learning to understand, accept and live with mental health issues PTSD, Depression & Anxiety. 

In amongst such adversity Paul lived on an ashram in the Himalayas of India whilst researching & writing his now published spiritual novel "Lifting The Wheel Of Karma" Shaun would find himself as the lead singer & songwriter of a British Rock N Roll band performing on stages throughout Europe. 

         What have we learned from the journey so far you may ask?     

It's REALLY simple, all we want in life is to be HAPPY! It's the one thing that connects each and everyone of us the pursuit to find our happy. Unfortunately life isn't always good and its not a rehearsal. Collectively we have all gone through so much in recent years with a global pandemic that will go down in history. We've all had to overcome adversity in our own personal ways which makes our mission so much more important to "Spread More Happy In The World One Smile At A Time". 

"It really is Time To Be HAPPY Again!"

      Found My Happy The first of its kind pioneering the HAPPY movement creating a happy INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY & culture for all. Empowering you to Live, Wear & Share your HAPPY everyday! 


Our mantra - Always Happy Your Way Through Life!

The Mission - Spread More Happy In The World One Smile At A Time. 

Why? - Because Being HAPPY never goes out of style and HAPPY looks good you!

This is ACE (Found My Happy logo) ACE is your buddy! And with his crooked smile, ACE represents everyone, everywhere who has or is overcoming adversity yet finds it in themselves to going about living their lives HAPPY every day. Ace reminds us we can get through anything as long as we Find Our Happy.